Comprehensive Conversations

We will adhere to regulatory and industry guidance from key industry bodies including the FCA, ERC, UK finance, as well as continue to monitor for further guidance and insight from these bodies on how we should best serve customers.

We commit to exploring all the options available to our customers and to expand our advice, product or service offerings where we can. We commit to ensuring that customers have access to advice across a range of suitable products and services; through expanding our advice service, or via product triage and referral systems. Ultimately, all customers over 50 will be able to access advice services which ensure all suitable products are considered to deliver advice on the best product to suit their needs.

We commit to ensuring that customers have an understanding of non-product related options too, and providing the right advice irrespective of remuneration considerations. In particular, this could include discussions around downsizing, funding via government grants and using other (non-housing equity) assets.

We will use tools and technology that keep consumer affordability at the heart of our advice processes, and support development of these where possible for others in our industry. We commit to ensuring customers fully understand the costs of meeting their preferences so we can evidence that they have made concrete decisions with full understanding of the products and implications. For example, if they require immediate security of tenure of their home, or have flexibility to modify payments over the term of the product, we will provide full details on how much this may cost over alternatives which do not provide this.

man walking beside road near buildings at daytime
man walking beside road near buildings at daytime

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